Gay porn download active duty

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After his audition video, Dylan has promised to come back and film some videos with him pounding some other military ass with that big horse cock. When he gets close to cumming, he starts stroking his cock like a fucking jackhammer until cum starts flying out of his big twink cock. He slowly jerks off and the camera gets lots of close ups for you to enjoy this hung piece of meat. As he starts rubbing his big dick it grows into a monster rather quickly. This is the first time that Dylan has done any sort of porn shoots, so he does a short audition before stripping out of his clothes and whipping out his massive cock.

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Dylan signed up for the Army right out of high school and this 6'2 tall and lean recruit is going to make some heads turn when he showers in the Army barracks.

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You guys are going to absolutely love the big dick on Dylan, the latest recruit to strip and jerk off for Active Duty.

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